Monday, December 13, 2010

New Customer Acquisition Programs And Strategies

Customer acquisition is a process of identifying, approaching and build customer relationships. It is important that new relationships formed are acquired from the right type of customer, in order to ensure a sustainable future. Acquiring customers is one of the most important factors in the success of a business. The importance of acquisition not only lies in the volume of customers acquired, but the profitability and value that the customer will bring.
Adopting a strategic approach is advised when it comes to acquiring customers. Determining what type of customer best suits the business needs, enables you to target customers which will be profitable and add value to the organisation.

Our business is not about ourselves, it is about our customers. The focus of your business shouldn't be on yourself, rather it should focus on your customers. They are not really interested in how long you have been in business or how much education you have. Customers are intersted in what your business can do or provide for them. We call these "customer benefits".

In all your marketing, keep the "customer benefits" foremost in your mind. In fact, learn to think like your customers. It will help you be more effective in marketing and your overall communication with them. A successful customer acquisition strategy is that of which adopts a fully integrated multi channel approach. Giving customers the choice to utilise their preferred channel, instantly creates a positive impact on potential customers. Also, this fully integrated method means businesses increase availability to their potential customer base.
Your "customer benefits" should ALWAYS be highlighted or in the forefront in all your marketing and communication with your customers. When you're communicating with your customers, your thoughts and conversation should center on the customer's benefit of buying your product or using your service.

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